1.if your Version is 1.2.6,Please unstall the app and direlcy download from https://download.leadcool.net/lxtream.apk
2.fix login bugs
3.fix some Streaming Play bugs
4.Optimize data loading speed, data encryption
For the security reason .we have push this New version .with the new version Lxtream .all Tranfer data will be encrypt,will protect customer login information and server .we will stop the old app version connect server in furtuer .we need you update the App asap if you not update to the new version ,you will not connect to server anymore!
if you can not update the app or another install problem .please leave message to us .we will help you fix the problem!
Dead line 2022-3-10
Hello Support Team, I tried to upgrade to the new LXtream.APK but I get error message “APP NOT INSTALLED”. When I check the “SYSTEMSERVICES” file, I see the following message “THIS MACHINE IS DISABLED. PLEASE CONTACT THE SELLER”. Could you please have a look at this problem and let me know how to correct. Thanks in advance.
hello .please go to app manager . find the lxtream app .check the version .if the version is 1.2.6 please unstall it .then you can download the latest from here
https://download.leadcool.net/lxtream.apk.install it by usb sticker
Je peut pas télécharger la nouvelle version 2.0.3 il marque application non installé et j ai désinstaller la version précédent
hello .the download link is
Bonjour avec la dernière version extrême indique code erroné par contre on se connecte avec (xtream code login) ça fonctionne merci de faire le nécessaire
hello .please contact youre seller click reset country button for you .thanks!
Bonjour la dernière version lxtream ne marche pas indique code erroné
hello .please contact youre seller click reset country button for you .thanks!
Hello, after this update (version 2.0.3), my code no longer work, whereas before the update, everything was working fine. please help or provide info on what to do
hello .please contact youre seller click reset country button for you .thanks!
Shaki mudimba
The Xtream don’t work anymore on my device for one week
hello .pleaes contact youre seller click resetcountry button for you .
Can you tell about the control of the number of device using one code, and what’s the limite of use for it even if it used on the same network.
hello .we allow the 2 device authrise .if you more than 2 device .the 3rd device an not login .you can ask youre seller reset the country for you .the you can use 2 device on same time .
Bonjour j’ai un problème je possède un TV Android Philips la mises à jour ne veut pas s’installer !
Avez-vous déjà eue un retour sur ce problème ?
hello .if you can not update the apk .i think your lxtream is 1.2.6 version .please try to unstall the apk from app manager .then install the latert versoin from here
N. Georges
after applying the new version i can’t get access with my xtream login code.
Can you help me
hello .please contact your seller .reset country and resetdevice for you
All VOD KO ?
hello the vod new films maybe problem .please check the older films?
J’ai un boitier Dalleteck r 2 22 et erreur réseau s’affiche …
Je ne suis pas un grand spécialiste dans votre univers et ne comprend rien aux mises a jours .
Pouvez vous m’expliquer un peu mieux et dois renouveler maintenant mon abonnement ??
hello if you use the customer luncher,is out off data .you can go leadcool market .and download the lxtream apk .then input your code .check is working or not ?
Hi LEADCOOL ADMIN, I tried to uninstall the old LXtream app but I can only desactivate the app. When I install the new LXtream app it blocks and error code is “APP NOT INSTALLED”. I would very much appreciate some help. Thanks in advance
my seller no longer answers me, the shop is closed. How to reset the country?
I am blocked…
hello .this problem on your use the xtreamcode-login before .then you try to login lxtream .then get erro .
we will fix this soon .please email your code to us .we help you reset the country.
mon revendeur ne me répond plus, la boutique est fermée. Comment faire pour réinitialiser le pays?
je suis bloqué
please email your code to us
you can use contact us page
How come lots of channels are missing in the groups, but when u search for them in “search bar” u find them? For example when u check under the group Germany u will not find any Bundesliga channels. But when u search for them in the bar, u will find them? This was not the case few weeks ago. How can we fix this?
Don Mega
How come a lot of channels are missing in the groups, but whenu search for them in the “search bar” u find them? For example when u go to the group “Germany” u will not find any Bundesliga of sport channel. But when u search for them in the bar u will find them. How can we fix this? Even in the “International Sports” group a lot of channels are missing.
sorry .we have find this bugs .the next update will fix this bugs
Merci de votre réponse rapide, mais étant donné mon ignorance dans ce domaine , pourriez vous m’indiquer comment télécharger la mise à jour, ou et surtout comment la télecharger…….. sur tv connectée ou boitier……
Merci de votre réponse et de votre gentillesse .. yves
you can open this link
and save it in your USB Sticker .and plugin on the box .choice install from your usb sticker.
even with the 2.0.3 application it does not work either in code or in xtream code
I am a reseller, only qhdtv works but no VOD or Series
hello .the test code not work VOD and serreis
Hi LEADCOOL team, I followed your instruction to uninstall the old LXtream app but when I get at the screen 3 actions I can do are : “OPEN” / “FORCE STOP” / “DISABLE”. On my sreen I do not have the “UNINSTALL” fonction. If I “DISABLE” the old app it remains in the system and it prevents me to install the new app. I would appreciate your advice how I can “UNINSTALL” definetely the old LXtream app. Thanks in advance
hello .if like this .is mean the lxtream as the system app.you can not unstall it .please use the qhdtv app first .we will push the qhdtv app update soon
download link is https://download.leadcool.net/qhdtv3.apk
As usual, too many channels don’t work. This situation is too annoying for resellers
Hi ADMIN, I succeeded to install the QHDTV3.APP but when i enter the ACTIVATION CODE I get following error code “NETWORK ERROR”. Please let me know what I must do now, I haven’t had TV for nearly 2 months now. Thanks in advance.
Bonjour j’ai télécharger le fichier avec le lien que vous avez donné sa marque application non installé et la dernière mis a jour trouver sur le boîtier date de 2015 sa fait 3 mois que j ai plus de tv
Today the app is stuck on a black screen… what’s going on ?
enay li
This issue was resolved quickly after it happened, and it was recovered in just a few hours, thank you for your feedback and support
Lxtream does not work anymore. It has not been stable for a month, now it does not work at all.
we have update the latest version .please send your code to us .we will help you check it
Bonjour, est il possible d avoir les mises a jour de lxtream pur la France ? merci
Le code QHDTV est utilisable sur seulement 2 appareils désormais (le 3eme ne marche pas) mais peut on regarder en même temps sur les 2 appareils?
hello it allow you login on two different device .but can not watch on same time
HI, lxtream dont work anymore :/ last version 2.03 installed on android TV and network error alltime. Same when using LDplayer, network error. Please fix that quickly !!! :/
same with Qhdtv !
network erro .please check your network connect .try use the cabel connect on box .i do not think have the login problem .
QHDTV = PROBLEMS (since 2 months)
LXTREAM = PROBLEMS (since 2 months)
When enter the code in the both app, always the same error message “ERROR NETWORK” even if the network is OK and even if you reset the country.
In LXtream you can connect with X-tream Code but when close and re open the app have to enter all information …..
So ….. i bought other service with other app and now all is OK with better picture (REAL HD) and VOD better than QHDTV.
enay li
Thank you for your message, our progress is inseparable from the attentive feedback of our customers.
“ERROR NETWORK” is displayed Please check the following
1, confirm to use the latest apk version, LXtream player should be 2.0.4, QHDTV 3 APK should be 2.0.1
2, please try to turn off the router about 5 min, then turn on again, your ip will be change . then try again login.
3, if still same problem, please Contact the seller for a closer inspection
《In LXtream you can connect with X-tream Code but when close and re open the app have to enter all information …..》
This is an important tip, in the next update, we will add the list users button, to Make it easier for customers to log in to existing accounts
Thank you again
abdou boug
I want to reset my account. My resseller have a problem in his panel and he can’t reset my account. How can l reset my account please?
enay li
Please send me the contact information of your seller, i will contact him and help him to solve his problem of panel
Lxtream blocked Channel blocked
enay li
If you accidentally lock the channel, the unlock code is 888888
Don Mega
Even after this latest update the channel list is still not correct. Over 2300 channels are not in the correct groups. When will this be solved?
Je n’arrive pas à trouvé une version qui fonctionne.
Pouvez-vous m’aidez
Merci d’avance.
enay li
lxtream player : http://download.leadcool.net/lxtream.apk
(Veuillez installer l’application à partir du lien que nous fournissons, d’autres sites Web ou Google Play sont faux)
Hi Team, I have an issue with LXtream. I have changed my code but when I select “Live Channels or VOD” I get on a screen mentioning “Updating the program list” and it keeps on turning and turning and nothing happens. May i ask you to please have a look on my issue. Thanks in advance and Merry Xmas to all of you
Il doit y avoir un problème.moi c est ecran noir depuis aujourd’hui.hier c etait erreur de réseau.
Joyeux Noël à tous